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Wall Street:Wall Street is the name of a street that runs through the New York financial district and where the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is located. Wall Street is therefore a synonym for both the NYSE itself, as well as the economic heart of the US, the financial center of New York. |
Warrant:(Warrant). Like options warrants securitize the right to buy within or at the end of a certain period of time a specific underlying asset at a price known in advance or to sell. However, while options are strictly standardized, the warrants of each provider have different characteristics. |
weighted risk assets:sum of counterparty risk weighted and instrument weighted assets |
white funds:Similar dividend returns are calculated once a year and proved to the BMF, by a tax representative in the domestic country (bank or chartered accountant) |
Wholesale deposits:A deposit at a bank made by an institutional investor, a large business, another bank or an investment vehicle such as a mutual fund or pension. Wholesale deposits are usually large amounts of money, and wholesale clients are sometimes prioritized more highly than individual customers. |
widely held stock:Proportion of shares, which is located at the systems operated by an exchange company markets in circulation and is divided into a number of investors. |
writer:The writer holds a short position in a particular option series. With a call, he has the obligation to sell the underlying at a fixed exercise price until the expiry date if the holder exercises the option. With a put he must buy the underlying asset to the expiration date if the holder exercises the option. |
writing:Issuance of an option by the writer. Leads to a short position. |