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abbr. PnL or P&L (Profit&Loss)


abbr. price earnings ratio


Price Earnings Ratio


Papers of identity are a mix of bearer and order documents. In case of papers of identity the debtor is not obliged to pay to the bearer.


Price of a security which corresponds to the nominal value. i.e. 100%.


A stock with the indication of a particular denomination, which refers to a particular interest in the share capital of the company. Contrary non par value share


v. Cross Currency Swap


A security which represents a right to a variable share of the net profit of the company in addition to the fixed interest rate. This variable interest rate is linked to the dividend and shall enter into force in case a defined level of the dividend is achieved.


(PS) participation certificates are bearer instruments through which the investor takes a holding in the assets of a company and his return is additionally linked to the commercial success of the company. They are very similar to the preferred shares, as not all, but some of the rights of the shareholder are also entitled to the holder of a participation certificate.


The participation right entitles to a certain share of the net profit and / or the proceeds of liquidation of a company. The enjoyment right is guaranteed in the so-called participation certificate and does not include a right to vote nor any other rights in the company.


Securities which have an intermediate position between stocks and bonds. It certifies the holder rights of various kinds towards the company. Usually it involves a share of the net income and / or the proceeds of liquidation, but never a partnership in the company. Therefore, the owner has no right to vote at the annual general meeting.


Shares, which were only partly paid.


corresponds to a call option on an interest rate swap,The purchaser of the payer swaption has got the right but not the obligation to buy an exact specified interest rate swap at the strike price on the expiry date, i.e. he concludes a swap in which he pays a fixed interest rate in exchange of a variable one (e.g. EURIBOR). A payer swaption can be used for hedging against raising interest rates.v. swaption


abbr. Propability of Default


Funds that invest primarily or exclusively in fixed income securities.


another designation for bonds


Indication of the price as a percentage of the declared in the security nominal value. Common for debt securities. Contrary Unit Quotation


The rate of return of an investment. Investment funds: Change of share value in per cent in a period of time (distribution, balance of corporate tax taken into account). Only funds with similar assets and strategy of investment are comparable.


A performance Index takes into account (as opposed to a price index), the dividend payments of the companies contained in it and provides indications of the total return of a portfolio (eg ATX50 performance and DAX).


This refers to the review of the liquidity provider (= market maker) whether they fulfill their underwritten commitments.

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