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G |
Gomex-Rate:another designation for open market rate |
Gone-Concern:corresponds to the liquidation of the company / bank |
good-for-day:(GFD) Validity constraint for an order, which is only valid for the current trading day |
good-till-cancelled:(GTC) Provides a temporal validity constraint. The order remains valid until it is canceled by the customer or automatically deleted from the system (the maximum period of validity is one year). |
good-till-date:(GTD) Provides a temporal validity constraint. The order is valid up to a predefined date. (max. 90 days from the date of entry). |
good-till-Expiration:(GTE) Temporary validity determination for unrestricted limit orders: Valid to maturity. |
Goodwill:Goodwill is an intangible asset of fixed assets. It is calculated as the difference between the value of the company and the value of the capitalizable individual goods. The goodwill mainly expresses factors such as reputation of the company, organization, customers, etc. |
Government Bonds:Term for bonds issued by the federal government, such as Government bonds, federal obligations and treasury bills. |
granularity (Basel II):The granularity of a bank portfolio describes the extent to which there remain significant single borrower concentrations. |
granularity criterion (Basel II):According to the Basel Committee, a firm's supervisor must be satisfied that the regulatory retail portfolio is diversified to a sufficient degree to reduce the risks in the portfolio warranting the 75% risk weight. |
greatest benefit:Term for the highest increase in percentage value that is accounted by a fund within a certain period of time. The calculation is based on a period of 3 years. |
greatest loss:Term for the highest loss in percentage value that is accounted by a fund within a certain period of time. The calculation is based on a period of 3 years. |
Greenshoe:(Greenshoe) In the case of over-subscription of the issue there is the possibility that the issuer grants an additional allotment of shares to the subscribers of the emission. |
gross amount loans:engl. gross amount loans |
gross income (Basel II):the net interest income plus net non-interest income of a bank (as defined by national supervisors and/or national accounting standards) |
gross margin:turnover minus costs of manufacture |
gross up:v. grossing up clause |
grossing-up clause:the obligation of an issuer to offset the withholding tax, if such a tax is introduced during the term of the bondgrossing-up clauses are frequently used in eurobonds |
growth funds:(growth funds) A mutual fund whose primary focus is on a steady increase in the intrinsic value of the investment funds. There is less attention to current income than to a price increase of the applied fund's securities (income funds). |
GTC:abbr. Good-till-Cancelled |