Wednesday, 19 February 2025, 01:08 PM
Site: Cyber*SchoolCourse: Cyber*School (Home)
Glossary: Glossary | English
EAD:see also exposure at default |
early amortisation:Early repayment clauses include the possibility of repayment of the securities issued to investors before the originally stated maturity, when a certain event occurs. |
earning:The income of a security includes interest and dividend payments (dividends) and other distributions and capital gains resulting from price increases (course). |
Earning before interest and taxes (EBIT):Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT = earnings before interest and taxes). Bank earnings before assessment of risk business in the field of securities and loans (= before individual value adjustment). |
earning per share:The annual profit of a company divided by the number of outstanding common shares. |
earning yield:Net earnings per share over the previous 12 months as a percentage of the share price. Inverse of the price-earnings ratio. |
earnings risk:Income risk is the possibility of losing the income from the invested capital. |
EBIT:abbr. Earnings Before Interest and Taxes. This is the operating profit. |
ECAI (Basel II):see also external credit assessment institution |
ECB:abbr. for European Central Bank |
economic capital:The amount of capital allocated and held internally by an organisation as a result of its own risk assessment methodology |
economic cycle:a cycle of economic activity around a trend growth rate typically characterised by a trough, upswing, peak and downswing |
economical cost of equity capital:Costs which incurre through the holding of equity beyond regulativ capital which is economically necessary to cover unexpected losses. The economic capital may therefore differ from the legally required equity. |
ECP:v. Euro commercial paper |
ED:abbr. Ex dividend |
EDF:abbr. Expected Default Frequeny |
EDSP:abbr. Exchange Delivery Settlement Price, the price at which futures contracts are settled upon delivery. The EDSP is determined by the exchange, and is often an average of traded prices over a set period or linked to certain fixing (e.g. LIBOR) |
effective annual rate:The annual interest rate of an amount of capital with time consideration of all cost and revenue factors that lead to payments. |
Effective Duration:The Effective Duration is a measure of sensitivity, which indicates how much the total return of a bond changes if the paid market interest rate changes. (= spot rates). |
effective maturity (M) (Basel II):under the Basel II agreement, banks are required to use standard values for M or to measure M using a specified definition |