Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2024, 08:15

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Glossar: Glossary | English



An investment approach that de-emphasizes the significance of economic and market cycles. This approach focuses on the analysis of individual stocks. In bottom-up investing, therefore, the investor focuses his or her attention on a specific company rather than on the industry in which that company operates or on the economy as a whole.


abbr. for basispoint 1/100 of one percentage point i.e. 0,01 %


abbr. Basis Point Value


The point at which revenues and costs of a product are equal and therefore neither loss nor gain is generated. For simplification it can be said that the contribution of all products sold is identical to the fixed costs at the breakeven point. If the profit threshold is exceeded, one makes profits and vice versa.


an information service company, Bridge was instructed with the execution of the EURIBOR-fixings. In September 2001 bridge was took over by reuters.


conducts the LIBOR fixing (BBA LIBOR) and developed a master agreement for FRAs (FRABBA)


In this market, buy or sell orders can not cause a price fluctuation in either direction, because enough of the respective shares are traded every day.


Professional security dealers and advisors. Brokers have the right to accept and execute trading orders from banks and privat investors. In England they are the contact point for jobbers or dealers.


abbr. Buoni del Tesoro Poliennali


Bullish investors i.e. optimistic market expectations. Contrary to bear.


Combined option strategy that is constituted by buying a call with a lower strike price and shorting a call with a higher strike price. Both options have the same maturity.


a type of foreign bondindicates a bond which is issued from a foreign entity in UK denominated in GBP


bond which is redeemed entirely at the end of the maturity


Bullet bonds refer to a debt security that is repaid by a certain date at the end of the term in total.


The entire principal is repaid at the end of the term. During runtime, only the interest is paid.


Investors who expect rising market rates.


see economic cycle


options strategy consisting of four options long butterfly: purchase of call and put at the money (= long straddle) and sale of call and put out of the money (short strangle) short butterfly: sale of call and put at the money (= short straddle) and purchase of call and put out of the money (= long strangle)


Analytical classification of a financial instrument as a buy.


see Call